A&D Products
Metallic Materials / Reliability Tester
It is a test device that enhances the reliability of production of products suitable for test methods and standard standards by combining the optimal environment such as temperature and humidity with the analysis of material properties.
Explosion Proof
Flame-proof / Hydrogen-proof / Dust-proof
Ex d IIC T6 Ex tD A 21 IP66 T85
Easily applied to various explosion-proof sites
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Business Name: A&D Sales Inc. Address : 182 Nowon-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu-si, Korea CEO: Jiyeon Hong
Business Registration Number : 504-81-46598
TEL : +82-53-351-6028~9 A/S : +82-53-351-6008~9 FAX : +82-53-351-5250 E-mail : Admin
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